



2011.4-2012.3 美國Rice 大學 統計系 訪問學者(WithProf. Dennis Cox)

2010.4-2011.4 北京大學 物理學院 訪問學者 (WithProf. Qi Ouyang)

2008.12- 首都師範大學 化學系 副教授

2005.4-2008.12 首都師範大學 化學系 講師

2002.3-2005.3 北京理工大學理學院化學系 提前攻博

1996.9-2002.7 西南石油學院化學工程系 本碩連讀


1 非平衡介觀化學反應動力學

2 細胞信號轉導

3 斑圖動力學


1.國家自然科學基金:亞細胞體系中英生化反應多尺度模擬研究 2011-2013主持


3.北京市中青年骨幹人才培養計畫 2010-2012 主持

4.北京市優秀人才培養資助2007-2008 主持

5.北京市科技新星計畫2006-2009 主持


1. Lin Ji*,Yi Zhou, Qian Li,Chun Qiao and Qi Ouyang, Experimental evidence of using circularly polarizedelectric field to control spiral turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 88.042919(2013)

2. Lin Ji*, Meng Cheng, Haizhou Zhang,Stochastic contribution for the coding of agonist induced calcium oscillationin hepatocytes: A Hybrid stochastic and deterministic simulation,Eur. Biophys. J., 42:607-612,2013

3. Lin Ji*, Jia Zhang, Xiufeng Lang, and Xiuhui Zhang,Coupling and noise induced spiking-bursting transitionin a parabolic bursting model, Chaos, 23(1)013141,2013

4. Lin Ji*,Xinping Yan, Nan, Li,Hengyu Li, Qianshu Li,Common Noise Induced Synchronous Circadian Oscillations in UncoupledNon-identical Systems, Biophys. Chem.. 173–174(0):15-20 (2013).

5. 吉琳*, 閆欣平,介觀生化反應的隨機和混合模擬算法,化學進展,25(6) 893-900, 2013

6. Lin Ji*; Haiyan Wang, Xiangting Hou, Complexation Amplified pH Oscillation in Metal InvolvedSystems, J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 7462−7466

7. Lin Ji*;Xuan Yang, Bin Liu, Weiguo Xu, External Perturbation Manifested System SizeResonance in a Mesoscopic Hormone Signaling Model, Appl. Math. Model.36(2012)6236-6242

8. Aiping Peng,Xiuhui Zhang, Qianshu Li, Haixiang Hu and Lin Ji. Which kind of binuclear sandwich-like compound is more stable in M(E)(M = B, Al,Ga; E = XYZ = BCO, BNN, CBO), the metal centered or the non-metal centeredsandwich-like complex?Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2012, 996:37-43.

9. Jesse Turner, Lin Ji, Dennis Cox,Adaptive Multi-scaled Simulation Algorithm for Biochemical Reaction in ComplexSystems, Proceeding of International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine.

10. Xiufeng Lang, Qishao Lu, LinJi , Correlatednoise-induced synchronization of bursting in Hindmarsh-Rose neurons, Int J ModPhys D, 25(32) 2011 4499–4512

11. Congzhi Wang, Nan Li, XiuhuiZhang, Lin Ji and Qianshu Li, The first binuclear sandwich-likecomplexes based on the aromatic tetraatomic species, Dalton Transactions, 2011.40(26): p. 6922-8

12. Haixiang Hu, Xiaochun Li, ZhimingFang, Weizhong Kong, Lin Ji, Qianshu Li, Inducingand modulating spiral waves by delayed feedback in a uniform oscillatoryreaction-diffusion system, Chem. Phys., 371 (1-3): 60-65 2010

13. Lin Ji*; Yuanyuan Zhang, Wenxiang Hu, QianshuLi, Iodate-Sulfite-Ferrocyanide reaction induced Calcium oscillation in a CSTRsystem,J. Beijing Inst. Technol., 29(7): 648-651 (2009)

14. Lin Ji* , Xiufeng Lang, Yaping Li, and Qianshu Li, Stimulusperturbation induced signal:a case studyin mesoscopic intracellular calcium system, Biophys.Chem.. 141(2-3): 231-235 (2009)

15. Lin Ji*; Yuanyuan Zhang, Xiufeng Lang; WenxiangHu, Qianshu Li, Noise helped manifestation of intrinsic frequency: a case studyin mesoscopic hormone signaling system, Prog. Nat. Sci. 19 (10): 1209-1214 (2009)

16. Lin Ji*, Wei GuoXu and Qianshu Li, The influence of environmental noise oncircadian gene expression in Drosophila, Appl. Math. Model., 33 (4)2109–2113 (2009)

17. Lin Ji* ,Wei Guo Xu and Qianshu Li, Noise effect on intracellular calciumoscillations in a model with delayed coupling, Fluct. noise lett., 8 (1), L1-L9 (2008)

18. Hai Xiang Hu, Lin Ji and QianShu Li, Delay-induced inward and outward spiral waves in oscillatory medium, J. Chem. Phys. 128 044904 (2008)

19. Hai Xiang Hu, Qian Shu Li and LinJi, Superlattice Patterns and Spatial Instability Induced by DelayFeedback, Phys .Chem. Chem. Phys. 10:438-441 (2008)

20. Lin Ji and Wei Guo Xu, Controlling the Nonlinear Chemical Signal in a CoupledSystem by Delay, Chaos,Soliton. Fract. 361261–1266 (2008)

21. Lin Ji and QianShu Li, Turing pattern formation in coupled reaction-diffusion systems: Effectsof sub-environment and external influence, Chem.Phys. Lett., 424, 432-436 (2006)

22. Lin Ji and Qianshu Li, Turingpattern formation in coupled reaction-diffusion system with distributed delays, J. Chem. Phys.123 (9), 094509 (2005)

23. Qianshu Li and Lin Ji,Control of Turing pattern by weak spatial perturbation, J. Chem. Phys. 120,9690-9693 (2004)

24. Lin Jiand Qianshu Li, Effect of local feedback onTuring pattern formation, Chem. Phys. Lett. 391, 176-180 (2004)

25. Qianshu Liand Lin Ji, Control ofTuring pattern formation by delayed feedback, Phys. Rev. E 69, 046205(2004)

26. Lin Jiand Qianshu Li, Effect of spatiotemporalperturbation on Turing pattern formation, Phys. Lett. A 329, 309-317(2004)


